20×30 Poster Board Signs For Trade Shows

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20×30 poster board signs are very popular at the Las Vegas events and trade shows. Foam core signs are foam signs with a outer paper covering on both sides. So this allows for printing on one side of the poster board sign or a double sided foam poster sign. These signs are then placed on easels or table tops for display. The large foam board sign can have spider legs attached at the bottom. So they can stand straight up. These 36×72 foam board signs act like a banner stand.

The vendors and companies that come to Las Vegas for these events like the inexpensive signs. These signs are generally designed for one show and then simply thrown away after the event. So why spend a lot of money on something only going to be used for a few days. Many companies are budget minded in these hard economic times.

There are hundreds of conventions and shows every year in Las Vegas. These conventions attract hundreds of businesses and vendors. In return these attract millions of interested people from around the world to see the latest products and services available. It also is a great place to mingle with like minded people. These people get the company information and start lining up new orders for their own businesses.

20x30 Poster Board Signs
Foam Core Board Signs

20×30 Poster Board Signs Are In Demand At Events

The businesses displaying at the events like these foam board signs. The custom foam board signs can be made to any size to meet your marketing needs. The two most popular sizes are the 18×24 foam board sign and the 24×36 foam board sign. So the foam core board signs are usually printed on a 3/16th foam board. But 1/2″ thick foam board is also available. The foam signs are generally laminated with a gloss or matte laminate. Depending upon your needs. The gloss laminate makes the signs shiny and the matte laminate allows not to reflect off the sign.


Many times at the event venues the displays will include a 3×6 tall foam board sign. So these larger foam board signs are stood straight up and placed on spider leg stands that hold the sign upright. The vendors and companies will place these trade show signs at the front of their display booths. So as to get attention to their booth. Using bright and vivid colors hon the foam board printing draws attention.

Delivery to your hotel or event venue is possible. So just ask your local sign shop.